At around 5pm as the ferry was approaching bMgarr/b harbour, the waves were about 20ft (6.5M) high and there were instances when the waves were over the front of the ship plus the ship tilted towards the right hand side so that the waves b..../b i understand that the Netherlands is also in a very deep recession and yet you choose Malta for your bvacation/b which in turns help our declining tourist industry, so please no hear feelings and pass on my regards to all the nice Dutch ...
What would you call the party that during its years in government provided more than 1400 jobs at the Xewkija Industrial bEstate/b and employing practically the entire female Gozitan population? By the way do not forget the bet made by ...
the beautiful village of mellieha, that fresh air, those wonderful luxurious villas in santa maria bestate/b. further down, mellieha's church and that s-shaped road. we went through mellieha bay, deserted, not even a dog or cat were around ...